
Edwin White sculpture honors Ruffin Hobbs at 推荐正规买球平台-Chatham

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按此放大,  “不能浪费时间。,' a sculpture by Silk Hope sculptor Edwin White, was dedicated April 13 at Central Carolina 社区 大学's Chatham County Campus. The sculpture honors North Carolina artist Ruffin Mendenhall Hobbs, 谁在2008年去世了. His colleagues and friends described Hobbs, who had resided in Alamance County, 作为文艺复兴时期的人, someone who could talk to people about anything from gristmills and stone cutting to sculpture. The sculpture was funded through the 推荐正规买球平台 基金会's Chatham County Fund and the Chatham Artists Guild. Among those gathered for the dedication were (from left) Joni Pavlik, 推荐正规买球平台 Dean of Business and Media Technologies and Public 服务; sculptor Edwin White; and members of the sculpture committee that commissioned the work, 黛安娜转身, 丽塔·斯皮纳和路易丝·霍布斯, 鲁芬·霍布斯的妹妹. For information about <a href='http://medusiform.kionssdywfnkr.com'>推荐正规买球平台</a>'s Associate in Fine 艺术 program, 联系菲尔·阿什, 919-718-7376, pashe@kionssdywfnkr.com; or Ty Stumpf, 919-718-7376; tstumpf@kionssdywfnkr.com.


“不能浪费时间。,' a sculpture by Silk Hope sculptor Edwin White, was dedicated April 13 at Central ... (更多)

05.07.2013艺术 & 娱乐大学 & 社区

PITTSBORO - April 13 marked the dedication of a new sculpture at Central Carolina 社区 大学's Chatham County Campus. 标题是“不能浪费时间”," the sculpture is dedicated to the memory of North Carolina artist Ruffin Mendenhall Hobbs, 谁在2008年去世了.

The sculptor, Edwin White, of Silk Hope, is known for his sweeping steel structures. He said he thought Hobbs would be pleased with the work.

"I think it is a very fitting piece for Ruffin," said. "It is made from one piece of steel, an economy of material of which he and I shared a love."

His colleagues and friends described Hobbs, who had resided in Alamance County, 作为文艺复兴时期的人, someone who could talk to people about anything from gristmills and stone cutting to sculpture.

“他只是把想法表达出来,他的妹妹路易斯·霍布斯说, an art teacher at Pittsboro Elementary School and director of the memorial to her brother. "His work referenced many, many themes, including mythic subjects, science and animals. 他是一位艺术家同行, 兄弟和深爱的朋友, and he continues to inspire this community and our family."

Hobbs' work is displayed throughout the country, including at Princeton University and UNC-Chapel Hill. A copper mural sculpture he designed and built while he was a student at Guilford 大学, “反射流浪者," graces the facade of Bryan Hall on that campus.

怀特雕塑, which stands just below the Chatham 社区 图书馆 in the center of the Chatham County Campus, 高94英寸, 宽34英寸,底部30英寸. It was funded through the 推荐正规买球平台 基金会's Chatham County Fund and the Chatham Artists Guild. It represents the beginning of an arts program that Louise Hobbs and her colleagues would like to bring to fruition at the college.

"We want to continue fundraising and have more sculptures on the campus," said Hobbs. "We're talking about initiating a biennial sculpture competition in which students and other artists can participate, and creating a visiting artist program at the Siler City Center."

推荐正规买球平台 currently offers an Associate in Fine 艺术 degree at the Siler City Center. The program includes classes in a variety of disciplines, 比如绘图, 雕刻, 版画和陶瓷. The AFA is a two-year degree that prepares students to transition into the arts program at a four-year institution at the junior level. 推荐正规买球平台 instructors in the AFA program are artists themselves who bring both practical and academic understanding to their fields.

White began his career as an artist in Staunton, Va., where he painted and worked in silkscreen printing. He opened Edwin White Studios, an art gallery and print shop, in an old restored flourmill. He has participated in art and craft shows throughout the southeast in a variety of media including watercolors, 钢笔和墨水, glass etchings and silkscreen prints. 他现在住在丝绸希望, where he spends much of his time working on commissions and preparing for each year's Chatham County Open Studio Tour in early December.

"My most interesting and engaging sculptures are developed through problem solving,怀特说:“给我。, the art making process focuses on revision and change. 因此, my sculpture speaks to the exploration of shape and form and the discoveries that lie within that exploration. An ongoing interest in the technical aspects of art and design heavily influence my work. Some of my pieces are organic in shape but many are geometric. I am most often drawn to opposing shapes and double images; the juxtaposition of line and form."

For information about 推荐正规买球平台's Associate in Fine 艺术 program, 联系菲尔·阿什, 919-718-7376, pashe@kionssdywfnkr.com; or Ty Stumpf, 919-718-7376; tstumpf@kionssdywfnkr.com.