There are many ways you can give a gift to 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院. Your gifts fund many areas of the College including scholarships, programs and 教师. 请加入这长长的贵宾名单, 校友, 中央卡罗来纳社区学院的家长和朋友,并帮助为学院及其学生和项目提供经济支持.


  • 直接的礼物

    You can make a direct (cash) gift to 推荐正规买球平台 in the following ways:

    • Write a check payable to the "预备基金会"; send it along with clear instructions for the use of your gift to:

      Sanford, NC 27330

    • 使用我们安全的在线捐赠表格.
    • 如果您希望通过电话提供信用卡信息,或者如果您想与基金会工作人员交谈或安排会面,请致电(919)718-7332.
    • 访问推荐正规买球平台基金会,用信用卡捐赠,或者如果您想与基金会的工作人员交谈.
  • 计划的礼物

    除了 to helping with current needs, 学院的一些朋友决定在他们的遗嘱和遗产规划中记住推荐正规买球平台基金会,以帮助推荐正规买球平台未来的需求. Unless otherwise stipulated, bequests are normally added to the Foundation's Endowment funds. This means your gift, whatever the amount, will continue to support 推荐正规买球平台's mission always.


    • Bequest - A bequest in your will to the 预备基金会 can be a specified amount, or a certain percentage after other specific bequests are fulfilled. 许多人发现这是他们实现支持和记住中央卡罗来纳的愿望的最好方式.
    • Charitable Trusts - For those with larger estates, a charitable trust can be used during planning of your estate. You can create a Charitable Trust with cash, 股票, 或者其他资产, 这是对中交的一份厚礼, while also reducing the tax burden for your estate.
  • 礼物实物

    礼物实物 are donated tangible and intangible assets and property. Some examples include artwork, books, equipment, automobiles and artifacts. 礼物实物 may also be an ongoing service, 比如75Health赠送给我们的医学援助学生免费使用他们的电子健康记录软件平台. 这些礼物必须特别仔细地审查,以确保它们对学院的项目有用. All gifts are subject to approval by the Executive Director of the Foundation prior to acceptance. For more information, call (919) 718-7230.

  • 股票、债券 & 共同基金

    赠送增值股票, 债券, mutual funds and other securities can be used to make a gift to the 预备基金会. Securities accepted by The Foundation are generally sold as soon as practical. 在赠与之前或之后,不得与赠与人达成协议,约定该等证券将在任何时期内持有. 当你捐赠证券时, 而不是现金, 您不需要为证券增值支付任何资本利得税,并且您可以在赠与之日获得其全部市场价值的扣除.

    Before making a securities gift of any kind, please contact 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 Foundation Office first.

    我们将提供必要的信息,以确保交易按照您的要求进行,并确保您收到适当的礼品信用. Please call the 预备基金会 at (919) 718-7332.

  • 企业配对礼品

    许多公司对现任或前任雇员或董事会成员的慈善捐款进行匹配. This is an excellent means to multiply the amount of a gift. Donors provide the appropriate matching gift form for submission to the matching gift company. Donors receive full credit for both the original and the matching gift.

  • 适销房地产

    向中央卡罗莱纳社区学院捐款可以通过捐赠不动产——商业或住宅, 已开发或未开发. Any gain on the sale of property donated to The Foundation is not taxed to the donor, provided the property was not subject to a binding agreement to sell created prior to the gift. Also, the sale of the property by The Foundation is generally tax-free.

    If you are considering a gift of property, please call the 预备基金会 at (919) 718-7332.

  • 人寿保险

    另一种可能记住学院的方法是让推荐正规买球平台基金会成为退休账户或已付人寿保险的受益人. If you are considering this type of gift, please remember that you will need to change the beneficiary information on the account or policy. 这类账户的处置通常取决于你在账户上指定的受益人指示, 不是你遗嘱里的指示.

  • 退休计划

    An individual may name 推荐正规买球平台 as a residual beneficiary of an IRA, 401(k), 403(B), 美国教师退休基金会, 基奥计划, VALEC or other retirement plan accumulation and/or other corporate benefits program.

    Please contact your retirement plan administrator, 基金托管人, financial advisor or attorney to discuss how to make a change in the Plan beneficiary.

    Please contact the 预备基金会 to notify us of your intentions at (919) 718-7332.

  • 纪念砖

    纪念砖提供了一种独特而持久的方式来纪念或纪念学生或中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的退休人员, 教师, or staff member; celebrate a special event; promote your business; or simply show your appreciation for the college!

    These are real 'paver' bricks, laser etched to last a lifetime. Each brick is specially ordered with your chosen inscription and installed by the college. 除了, you can purchase a "mini-brick" with the same inscription, to keep at home or in your office as a memento of your support of and belief in 推荐正规买球平台, 我们的教职员工, and the countless individuals whose lives have been impacted by entering our doors.


  • 扣除雇员工资

    员工可以让捐款自动从工资中扣除,这非常容易. 扣除额可以按月计算,也可以存入员工喜欢的任何特定基金. (A complete list of funds can be found under "捐赠奖学金", 下载一个 complete 捐赠清单.)

    报名参加 扣除雇员工资.


  • 荣誉/纪念

    Gifts may be made to the College to honor or memorialize a friend, family member or loved one. 这样的礼物是向捐赠者和被尊敬的人致谢的,如果他/她是被纪念的,则向该人的家人致谢.

  • 捐赠奖学金

    建立奖学金是一个相对简单的过程,首先是与一位基金会工作人员进行一对一的会面,该工作人员将提供个人协助,指导捐献人发展其奖学金. Endowed scholarships are permanent, named funds. 这些资金用于投资,产生的收入的一部分用于资助年度奖学金. These type of scholarships are endowed through gifts of $10,000 or more which can be done at one time or over a period of three to five years. 如果您希望与基金会建立捐赠,请致电Emily Hare (919) 718-7230.

    下载一个 捐赠的完整清单.


    捐赠基金是为基金会的长期利益而拨出的资金,而不是用于当前的运作. It is a permanent fund that uses its earnings to advance the mission of the Foundation and 推荐正规买球平台. 每个捐赠基金的本金始终保持不变,而全部或部分收益由基金会用于资助奖学金, projects or programs designated by the donor of the fund. 捐赠基金投资于股票和长期债券,以实现增长和不断增加的收入流.


    Endowments can provide the Foundation with long term stability. Since the principal balance of the endowment cannot be used, the income generated from an endowment is an important source of revenue. 捐赠基金为财政增长和稳定奠定了基础,同时为奖学金收入提供了可靠的部分, 学术项目, 以及学院的其他需求.


    捐赠有多种用途. 通过推荐正规买球平台基金会, 我们的大部分捐赠主要用于奖学金和为有需要的学生提供经济援助, 尤其是在当前的经济形势下. 该基金会管理的其他捐赠基金包括“卓越承诺基金”和“马文·乔伊纳基金”,用于推进学院学术使命和追求卓越的特殊项目, 设备需求, 校园美化, 以及学院的其他需求.

  • 奖学金

    Non-endowed scholarships are named, temporary funds. 他们通常被称为“直通”奖学金,可以用任何数额的礼物建立. They remain active as long as donors contribute to them. 捐赠和非捐赠基金, 设立奖学金的第一步是明确符合捐赠者意愿的标准.

    下载一个 完整的奖学金名单.

  • 限制资金

    A reserve of money that can only be used for specific purposes. 有限的资金使捐助者放心,他们的捐款将以他们选择的方式使用.

    下载一个 限制资金的完整清单.

  • 无限制的资金

    不受限制的资金是指捐赠人向中交基金会提供的资金,没有指定用途. This allows the Foundation to use the funds where the most good can be done, satisfying the college's mission of empowering power through education and training.


    Unrestricted funds are donations that make everything possible. These gifts address a broad range of needs at 推荐正规买球平台, including future requests that often cannot be anticipated at the time a gift is made. 无限制捐献的灵活性使基金会能够对学院最迫切的需要作出反应.


    Unrestricted funds may support equipment purchases, 学生突发事件, 课程计划需求, 教职员工发展, 教育会议, and many other items that are not covered in the state budget.


    • 学生突发事件
    • 教员/职员学费报销
    • 普通教育文凭毕业生奖学金
    • 中学生激光营
    • Career Day at 推荐正规买球平台 for rising high school seniors